Here’s some fresh google technology to answer the needs of sloggy
networks (like that of my college) that remove the charm of online
reading. Today Google rolled out ‘Google Fast Flip’
(http://fastflip.googlelabs.com) and here’s what they have to say about
“Fast Flip is a new reading experience that combines the best elements
of print and online articles. Like a print magazine, Fast Flip lets you
browse sequentially through bundles of recent news, headlines and
popular topics, as well as feeds from individual top publishers. As the
name suggests, flipping through content is very fast, so you can quickly
look through a lot of pages until you find something interesting. At the
same time, we provide aggregation and search over many top newspapers
and magazines, and the ability to share content with your friends and
community. Fast Flip also personalizes the experience for you, by taking
cues from selections you make to show you more content from sources,
topics and journalists that you seem to like. In short, you get fast
browsing, natural magazine-style navigation, recommendations from
friends and other members of the community and a selection of content
that is serendipitous and personalized.”\
The speed is indeed way better than the conventional feed readers (and
that includes Google Reader) but its probably at the cost of diminished
features (well, something has to be optimized after all). Seems there is
also a mobile version for Fast Flip .. haven’t yet checked it out. Nice
experiment google labs!